EW+S Growth Fund

As per its original bid commitments to the London Legacy Development Corporation, we are proud to announce the launch of the East Wick + Sweetwater Growth Fund.

This is a place-based investment fund that will create positive social and economic growth by providing affordable investment and capacity building support to small businesses, social enterprises and charities. The fund will be delivered in partnership with local social enterprise Impact Alchemy CIC.

East Wick + Sweetwater has committed to provide £50k a year to support the Growth Fund over ten years. Co-investment of further funds will be sought to enhance the social and economic impact of the Growth Fund.

The Fund will:

  • Provide investment of between £2k and £25k to 15 enterprise, per year, including enterprises who have been operating for less than three years
  • Align with existing initiatives in East London including the Good Growth Hub and Hackney Bridge
  • Offer investment products that are compliant with Sharia Law to ensure that the Growth Fund is inclusive of all communities
  • Prioritise applications from EW+S commercial tenants, enterprises owned by EW+S residents and Makeshift tenants
    Where appropriate provide support or access to support to help you grow.


The Growth Fund actively encourages applications from small businesses and social enterprises run by groups or people that are underrepresented or from disadvantaged backgrounds.

For more information, download the Growth Fund Summary pack, get in touch with Impact Alchemy by email or visit their website.

We will also post any further updates on this page or on our journal.