Planning has been granted for three more phases of EW+S!
Plans for three further phases at EW+S have been approved by London Legacy Development Corporation.
Phases 2, 3 and 7 (East Wick) will provide an additional 785 mixed-tenure homes to the neighbourhood, 231 of which are affordable homes. The plans will also create 802 sq m of new employment and retail spaces alongside more than 1,200 cycle spaces, encouraging sustainable methods of transport. More than four acres of new, multifunctional open space, including a green roof, doorstep play areas, a garden square and a range of outdoor play areas will also be created.
The new homes will be constructed to Code for Sustainable Homes level 4+, including smart energy metres and efficient water fixtures that will reduce water usage to 105 litres or less per person per day.
All non-residential buildings will be constructed to BREEAM Excellent standards, whilst the new green roofs and green spaces will increase the ecological value net gain across the site.
Timings for Phase 2 are still in the works but watch this space for further updates in the new year.